March 29, 2025
tamil katturai APJ arul

Karunai Sabai Salai – APJ Arul



       On  1st February 2009, Karunai Sabai Salai is opened successfully. Portriate of His Holiness VALLALAR and Thiruvalluvar are declared opened .

The ” DISCIPLINE” is only to be practiced in  Samarasa Sutha Sanmargam. Therefore ,the aforesaid principle of His Holiness Vallalar is taught here. The last conclusion of His Holiness  is only revealed to the  Society.  As pointedout by His HOliness , all religions, margams available in the world are declared as Main obstacles of this Sabai.

The Karunai Sabai Salai having a “GRACE HALL” (Sabai) for conducting meetings to realize the truth of GOD as per the doctrines / principles of HIS HOLINESS VALLALAR and  another a Room (SALAI) for Anna Dhanam for only poor people.

We, (members of Karunai Sabai – Salai) have decided and promised ourself that we will realize the truth of GOD on the base of HIS HOLINESS philosophy available in only Agaval, Peru-Ubadesam, Vinnappangals and Sutha Sanmarga Songs (called as Sixth Thirumurai). The above all are the primary and integral parts of the “Samarasa Sutha Sanmarga Sathiya Sangam”.

We are inviting and requesting you to see our website regularly and to share with us about truth of God.

We invite you to see our site :

Compassion is only way to get the Grace of God

         Arutperumjothi                Arutperumjothi

         Thaniperumkarunai           Arutperumjothi

